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The IB learner profile I would choose for theory of knowledge will be thinkers since theory of knowledge is literally the key to our present world,  what theory of knowledge has shown me is that I really need to think about the things that I'm about to say when I'm about to say them.  the evidence that I chose for theory of knowledge is my fear of knowledge essay which led me to understand what's the difference between change and progress and I think I had choir the information to answer my question but in reality it's something that we all need to discover because we are different people.  this made me think a lot about what was the reality of things and how they were constructed well this essay help me to develop an answer for me and I say for me because as a human I'm different than any out there in the world because I have my own thoughts and my own way of thinking.  I was challenged by this essay but I am proud of my work I could say this would be one of the best works I've ever done thanks to the teachers that help me and push me to have it done especially by the teacher because he's one of the best teachers and one of them most encouraging teachers that I've ever had in my life I hope to have someone like him further into my career.

TOK: Quiénes somos
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