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En PATRICK HARB RODRIGUEZ creemos que nuestros alumnos también pueden y deben desarrollarse y crecer fuera del aula, por lo que ofrecemos diferentes actividades para todo tipo de intereses. Continúe leyendo para obtener más información al respecto.


semester exam cw

This semester exam was a crossword exam which was really fun I mean I really like this type of work because out of it being interesting and fun you learn a lot because these were key words that helped us you know I wear a future careers and Peterson schools throughout the class for this project I will give for the IB  profile 8 knowledgeable project because you learn a lot and you getting a lot of Knowledge from me it's really interesting and fun to work like this I encourage it to keep it this way

Captura de Pantalla 2021-05-21 a la(s) 1

film portfolio

According this film portfolio was really fun and it took me off guard because I was in Acapulco Guerrero,  so basically I decided to record the beach and what I would do in a daily basis it was really cool because it opened my mind to a lot of ideas and for the ib I will give it an open-minded  project because of that.  this project was literally about to record some scenes and put some names on the frames it was awesome I really enjoyed it it took a long time but still I really enjoyed it


film movie

For this movie we needed to create an actual film with scenes of different videos but we needed to make our own sounds and I decided to make a song which I included within the video.  this project was one of my best handmade ever done work made by me and I am super duper proud about it it was really fun making it especially when making the song and editing all the videos together it was so cool and for the IB profile I would give it a thinker because it's not easy and I needed to think a lot imbolc reading my creativity to create the song so yeah he was the video

Film: Actividades
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