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for English I've acquired this three pieces of evidence because I think they are the most remarkable and probably the most fun projects that I did in class I couldn't include the fourth one but it was the poster project.  I really enjoyed this class and I really like the way my teacher taught the class sadly it was online classes but I still enjoyed it. The master bereans project I was really intrigued on the information we were gathering because it's true I would classify this ass communicators because since we learned this it's our duty to inform the communities as well as caring because it's not only happening to you it's happening to everyone. For the first IB  prep  the IB profile that I would use will be reflected since I struggled a lot in the beginning but with my corrections I did better on the other Preps. I'm well for the story with a character I would say it's open-minded since it was all memory and I'd really enjoyed to repeat this project I really liked it  we were supposed to describe around the town we live.

Captura de Pantalla 2021-05-19 a la(s) 2


Captura de Pantalla 2021-05-19 a la(s) 2

1st IB prep

Captura de Pantalla 2021-05-19 a la(s) 2

story with a character

English B: Admisiones
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