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Captura de Pantalla 2021-05-21 a la(s) 1

nigeria case study

Nigeria case study was a really difficult task for me because this was a homework that I was really really big and took months to get it done with what I'm really proud of my work here since I did a lot of research and contributed on a teamwork. for the ib  I will give it an principled  because it was a team working project and I really gave a lot of things back to my team I feel really tired about this it was really challenging though but it's still one of my best works that I've ever done as a case study

Captura de Pantalla 2021-05-21 a la(s) 1

final exam global p

The final exam for global politics was really challenging for me although I succeeded not with the best grade but I still succeed it it was really hard for me to study because I was really stressed and I couldn't do a lot of work because of my stress my mind didn't let me continue because of all the pressure that I had and I'm really proud that I did it on a succeeded for the IB profile I would give this a reflective profile because after all the stress that I went through I still succeeded and I'm really proud of it. 

Captura de Pantalla 2021-05-21 a la(s) 1

final exam unit 3.

 The final exam for the unit 3 we talked about feminicides this topic is something I really care for because it's something serious and it's happening in our country in Mexico City especially and people don't seem to care about it but I do and this exam help me reflect on my thoughts and made me have a different point of view that I had before for the ibuprofen I will give this a caring because it's something we need to learn about Andrea Lee take important because it's a situation it's not an ideology.  people just don't take it seriously but one day we will realize the truth of everything which is really really dark and hard to understand.

Global Politics: Actividades
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